Evolving Body, Mind & Consciousness
Soul Medicine’s focus is to educate, empower and inspire members through intentional community development and outreach, environmental/ecological stewardship, and holistic health practices.
Soul Medicine Program
If you’re ready to live a life free of negativity, then join the I Am Challenge today.
Just 5 minutes a day you can experience you can change your life experience.
This FREE program walks you through reprogramming your subconscious to live your best life. Included in this simple but powerful practice comes your very own cheerleaders in our Soul Medicine global community.
Begin your 30 day challenge now.
Soul Medicine Program
If you’re ready to balance and freedom to your life journey then join our signature Soul Medicine Programs.
Our Medicine Wheel Life Mastery Program provides a nurturing atmosphere for you to grow and expand. This safe environment will help deepen your questioning while igniting your evolution. This 12 month Medicine Wheel Life Mastery program supports the unity and transformation of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of self.
This rich self-paced program isn’t just for a choice few. Evolution is available to every single being. YOU are worth it.
Classes online or Inperson | Yoga Teacher Training
Nutrition | Counseling | Workshops
Feeling exhausted, stressed, anxious, depressed, rundown, or simply not your best self? We design Soul Medicine services to treat the whole person, unveiling your best self, making it easier to connect more deeply within as you more gracefully walk your path in the world. We offer yoga, nutritional, counseling and mediumship services.
There are many ways to get involved and become part of the community. You can help with our community outreach programs, support our missions, or join our online community. There are many volunteer opportunities, and we will work with you to find the opportunity to speak to you.
© 2020 Soul Medicine, Inc., All Rights Reserved
With Avani Jaya, hosted by Ellen King of Connecting Consciousness.
To discover where your current frequency is, in this physicality or this life, begin to take awareness of where you find your comforts. What music do you listen enjoy? What type of shows or movies do you watch? Where do you hang out after work? Who do you hang out with? The culmination of these behaviors is where your frequency currently is.
Once we know where our current “baseline” is, how do we raise our frequency? Join Avani Jaya on this webinar replay as she shares, as she was taught, “How to raise your frequency.” You will discover the tools necessary to practice to raise your frequency. Avani Jaya also shared the benefits of raising your frequency.
The “I AM Challenge” is one of the simplest ways to start changing your frequency. It is like rewriting old code that your brain is running off of. Ready for an upgrade CLICK HERE to learn how only 5 minutes a day can change your life experience.